Tuesday, 18 February 2025 |


1. What is Quit Rent?

Quit Rent is interpreted as "rent" under Section 5 of the National Land Code 1965 as: 
i) any annual amount charged to the State Authority (PBN) as rent.
ii) any other annual payment due to PBN which, according to any written law, should be collected as if it were rent or land revenue; and
iii) any fee to be paid to PBN in respect of rent arrears pursuant to the rules under Section 14. 

2. Who has to pay Quit Rent?

Referring to Section 95 of the National Land Code 1965, every registered land owner OR representative on his behalf is responsible for paying the annual Quit Rent.

3. When should you pay Quit Rent?

From January 1 to May 31 every year. After that date, late fines will apply.

4. Why do you have to pay Quit Rent when I have already paid assessment tax?

The imposition of Quit Rent is in line with the provisions of the Malaysian Law which is the National Land Code 1965 which states that the rent tax payable on any owned land shall be a debt owed to the State Authority. The imposition of assessment tax is in line with the provisions of the Local Act 1976 (Act 171) under Section 127 which allows the Council/PBT to impose assessment tax or general tax on holdings found within the Council's administrative area

5. Implications if you fail to pay Quit Rent?

Under Section 100 of the National Land Code your land will be CONFISCATED.

6. Where can I pay Quit Rent?

Quit Rent can be paid through the following channels:
i. District and Land Office in the state of Malacca
ii. Malacca UTC
iii. Malaysia Post Office nationwide
iv. National Savings Bank counters throughout Malaysia

7. Can Quit Rent be paid online?

Yes, Quit Rent can be paid through the MelakaPay Portal.

8. Can Quit Rent payments be made online through Bank Portals such as   maybank2u.com or CIMB Clicks?

No, online payments can only be made through the MelakaPay Portal. Any payment through other online channels will not be processed.

9. Can Quit Rent payments be made through 2 or 3 accounts at once?

Quit Rent payments cannot be made all at once because 1 Quit Rent account is only for 1 payment.

10. What should be done if the online payment is successful but the status still shows that the payment has not been cleared?

For payments made, users need to wait at least 3 working days for the bank to confirm the payment.

11. What should I do if I don't get a Quit Rent bill?

Any problems regarding the Quit Rent bill can be referred to the PTG Revenue Section at 06 – 333 3333 ext. 5041 or Whatsapp Quit Rent Helpline Melaka 010-3078 262 or download the land/ parcel tax at eTanah Melaka Portal via the link http://etanah.melaka.gov.my/portal/semakan_akaun.

12. How do I change the address on the Quit Rent bill?

a) Change of address can be done online here link : https://docs.google.com/forms/u/1/d/e/1FAIpQLScq_uPv3zK6akBcYpBvHNFEuRGKdhQVQk5g22GSx1Y-wy_AjA/viewform?usp=send_form 
b) Change of address can also be done at each Office counter Land And District.

13. Can Quit Rent payments be made in other districts?

Yes. Quit Rent payments can be paid anywhere at the revenue counter of the District and Land Office within the state of Melaka.

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